ex)ブンセキ ハナコ
ex)Bunseki Hanako
Please enter an e-mail address to which PDF files can be sent.
Ensure that the applicant's e-mail address is added (overlapping addresses will result in an error).
Please choose whether you wish to receive notifications from the Center via your mobile e-mail address.
Please enter a telephone number via which the keycard registrant can be quickly contacted.
Could you please input your purpose of using shared machines(research theme,etc).
・Analyse of **(LC-MS,NMR,etc)
・Synthesic of **(SEM,etc)
Enter the Analytical Device Online Reservation System Login ID, and include at least four half-width English letters.
Do not start with a zero.
If the ID has already been registered by someone else, your second ID request will be registered.
Do not start with a zero.
Enter the name of the person who will bear the expenses for paying the usage fees.
If this is the same as the applicant, then write "Same as Applicant."
If this differs from the applicant, then write the department and faculty.
If an item other than "University operating costs" is selected, then apply with the manual input form.
Select the "jurisdiction." If you want to select an item other than those listed, then please apply with the manual input form.
Treated as a "fiscal resource."
Select the "purpose." If you want to select an item other than those listed, then please apply with the manual input form.
This is used to create the keycard.
Please edit the photo taken with the front facing down to 1 MB or less and attach it.